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Babchi Liquid Extract
Babchi is a wonder herb that is synonymous with beauty and wellness. The English name of Babchi is Psoralea Corylifolia and the Sanskrit name is Bakuchi. Richly abundant in medicinal values, this Ayurvedic herb is widely used in cosmetics for improving skin health and aiding blood purification. The Babchi liquid is extracted from the Babchi seeds, and in its purest form, it is useful in treating various skin disorders like eczema, vitiligo, psoriasis, and other bleeding wounds.
Commonly known as Babchi, Babachi, Bhavaj, Bakuci, or Bemchi in India, the herb has a vast history and is studied widely by Indian medical practitioners and Western followers for its chemoprotective, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. By removing toxins from the skin, Babchi liquid extract helps revitalize the skin cells and rejuvenate them. Because of its high nutritive and curative properties, it is highly valued in Ayurveda and is classified as ‘Shaka Varga’ or leafy vegetables.
The Babchi plant is a storehouse of wellness as all parts of the plant are useful, including the roots, stem, leaves, and seeds. The liquid extract from the seeds, its oil, and powder of Babchi and most commercially used products are known for their effectiveness in treating skin diseases and glorifying the skin. Because of its multiple benefits to the skin, the herb is given the name of ‘Kushtanashini’ (leprosy destroyer) and is regarded as a very ancient remedy to treat leukoderma, skin rashes, and infections.